Monday, October 15, 2012


Bodega Bay- San Francisco
70.6 miles 3620' climb
We had it all today! Started along the coast & then turned into the ups and downs of rural Sonoma & Marin Counties with just a bit of high fog, along the beautiful Tomales Bay for miles, then through little towns north of the bridge, over the glorious Golden Gate and then city bike paths along the water to Fisherman's Wharf. A stop at Bovine Bakery in Point Reyes, a quick lunch bite in San Anselmo and made it to the hotel with 35 minutes to spare for dinner. Today was a top ten riding day- the warmest yet- we muddled our way through 4 pages of cue sheet directions - what a day!


  1. Wowser, that must have been trippy, going from rural into the big city..and traffic! Sounds glorious!

  2. Pictures of the Golden Gate and the boat in water were two of my favorites, but I've loved them all! You go, girl!
